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Radio Jackie's unlicensed phase ended in February 1985...
| ...as the government announced...
| ...a scheme of 21 licences...
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...for community stations...
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...the UK Home Office reneged on its promise..
| ...without any compensation...
| ...provoking grumbles in the Financial Times.
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This is a selection
of some 600 images
1985 > > > 1969.
| One month after closedown, 88% had heard of Radio Jackie
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| | ...with the story over sixteen years...
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...pictures showed studio equipment being confiscated...
| "..only a few seconds to destroy 16 years.."
| The station had been widely listened to...
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| ...at home, at work and in the car
| The first pirates had been caught in 1934...
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...brothers in Norwich playing popular music...
| ...to break Britain's broadcast monopoly...
| ...Cossor envisaged 924 FM stations in 1944...
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...commercial radio was debated in 1946...
| ...1948's Beveridge Committee wanted immediate local radio...
| ...there were false hopes during the '50s...
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