Radio Jackie's unlicensed phase ended in February 1985... the government announced...
...a scheme of 21 licences...
...for community stations... Jackie applied..
...yet one year later...
...the UK Home Office reneged on its promise..
...without any compensation...
...provoking grumbles in the Financial Times.
This is a selection
of some 600 images
1985 > > > 1969.
One month after closedown, 88% had heard of Radio Jackie
Save the station...
...write to your MP...
...LPs were produced...
...with the story over sixteen years... showed studio equipment being confiscated...
"..only a few seconds to destroy 16 years.."
The station had been widely listened to...
...out and about... home, at work and in the car
The first pirates had been caught in 1934...
...brothers in Norwich playing popular music... break Britain's broadcast monopoly...
...Cossor envisaged 924 FM stations in 1944...
...commercial radio was debated in 1946...
...1948's Beveridge Committee wanted immediate local radio...
...there were false hopes during the '50s...
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