NEWS Up to 2015 

Elmbridge Mayor attends Fun Day at RDA Leatherhead
Earl of Wessex at The Rose in Kingston...
...for the International Youth Arts Festival
A big Charity Day for Bedfont & Feltham versus Kingstonian
The Vine Project in Mitcham hits 1000 collections
The principles of clinical trials demonstrated at West Middlesex
Dorking Swimming Gala medal winners meet Sutton's Mayor
Sutton Community Farm - now producing vegetable bags
Scouts and PCSO Steve smarten up Quarry Park in Sutton
20th Anniversary: HMS Richmond welcomed the Mayor of Richmond
Thousands enjoyed SunWalk 2013 at Battersea
New shop for Princess Alice opened by the Mayor of Kingston...
...while Fiona Nicol skydived, raised £1000 - & stunningly lost 140lb
Elmbridge Girls' Cricket at P&G Surrey Youth Games win Gold...
...with Silver for Elmbridge Boccia...
...and for Girls' Hockey
Campaigning continues to save St Helier A&E, Childrens and Maternity
Lady Cobham described Wimbledon tennis for the VocalEyes charity
Kingston College Art & Design students after their exhibition...
...2nd year Fashion at their Final Presentation to Bentalls...
...and Lucy Savage wins Best Learner at the House of Lords
Petersham Nurseries' Lucy Boyd at Hay's HowTheLightGetsIn
An unexpected visitor drops into a living room in Brandy Way, Sutton
BMW PGA Championship raised £60,000 for Shooting Star
Cllr Lisa Blakemore at the Mulberry Centre for cancer sufferers
Loopwheel inventor on Jackie's Red Button podcast Two Wheels
Urbanfarmacy's Fiona Quinn at Transition Town Kingston's 5th
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