JACKIE Up to 2015 

Jackie's 2008 tree, decorated by visiting children
The studio turns into a grotto... during Mick Brown's show
Jackie's Vicki Ferrar presents Full Flap TV
Martin Fletcher (with family)...
...and Beccy Greenslade left radio to start...
...entirely new careers, with goodbyes...
...at Coronation Hall in Surbiton from Neil Long...
...Geoff Rogers, Kristiaan Yeo...
...Lucy Mayer and the rest of the team
Birthday cake for Nicky Patrick, presented by Alistair Wright
1st Hinchley Wood Brownies see inside the studios
Jackie's cricket - and Jon Garstang's runs...
...Geoff Rogers and Lin Summers...
..Captain Rod Bradbury prepares to bat...
...James and Fin Murray...
...Alex Bradbury...
...Geoff and Stuart Ross take a break from the sun
Stuart Ross wins UNESCO's World Press Freedom competition
Jackie office wall mural artist Geoff Searle...
...premieres the first one man feature film
Neil Long...
...and Jason Reynolds...
...went along to help...
...Colin King...
...at Borders in Kingston...
...when he spoke about...
...the early days...
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