Battersea Power Station 

The China Power Station art exhibition in October 2006...
...provided a unique opportunity to look inside the derelict...
...iconic structure on the south bank of the Thames...
...Art from China was installed around the rusting building...
...'Tank' being just one of the pieces...
...Jackie's Simone Halfin and Trevor Brook...
...spent a sunny day...
...wandering around Sir Gilbert Scott's art deco creation...
...through abandoned Turbine Halls...
...along old corridors...
...and up three floors... views over London - and more exhibits...
...then back down decaying stairwells... ground level...
...Simone keeps her notes up to date...
...detail of the north west chimney...
...the western Turbine Hall
Battersea generated electricity for London 1939-1983. More at:
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