Ally Dunn's big night in Kingston 

November 2005: There was an impressive turnout...
...the first weekend of extended licensing hours...
...for an evening out at The Rotunda...
...Mary-Lou Cowdy...Beccy Greenslade...
...Simon Horn...
...Ross Hutchinson...
...Lucy Mayer...
...Kelvin Michaels...
...Lin Summers...Clive West...
...Kevin Cousins...Neil Long...
...Mary-Lou, expecting more news soon...
...Colin King...
...Travel meets Sales...
...Peter Stremes, making a point...
...What a star...
..........Ally Dunn..........
...Steve Mowbray, as we all know him...
...David Harris...
...the evening draws on...
...bad, very, very bad...
...while walking alongside the Thames these balloons escaped...
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