...and throw Radio Jackie's Jerry James...
...into a cold bath...
...filled with custard...
...raising funds...
...for Linden Lodge School for the Blind Wimbledon Park
Singer Jona Lewie came in to see Kevin Stewart, 1980
Out in the fields on Sundays...
...using teeth to strip the aerial wire...
...a handy fence post tensions the aerial...
...wiring up the transmitter...
...adding some copper grounding rods...
...connecting the antenna...
...tuning up...
...checking meter readings... achieve...
...maximum aerial current...
...setting the modulation...
...cassette, transmitter, battery and Avometer
Peter Allen recording in the Jackie studio... Burleigh Road, Stonecot Hill, 1979
A rather startling car sticker
Aslan playing on stage for a Summer Dance...
...with Anne D'Arcy raising money for fines
In the mud -
Jerry James, 1977...
...with copper earth rods in the ground...
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